Tuesday, May 19, 2009


OK this might sound a little off topic, but it's a global warming joke i heard from a class mate!

Stop global warming or all the Reese's will melt! watch out candy lovers and recyle! Or no more chocolate!

Monday, June 23, 2008

You know what a trash can looks like!

Now here is a message to all those who litter...

You know perfectly well what a trash can looks like! it a rectangular prisimish shape! The earth however is a sphere! You know what i am talking about the shape that looks like a ball?! Well those two shapes look an awful lot different don't you think? Maybe when you dispose of your trash you could use a rectangular prisim for holding it instead of a giany sphere? That sound ok?

Now i am sure you know how important it is not to litter and what happens if you do so i hope that littering will come to an end and come to an end pretty darn soon!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Cleanup

A few days ago we cleaned up Smedley Park. I felt good i was helping my planet. We had a really good time too. The park was really cool we hopped across a creek and found a completely hollowed out tree that we could fit three people in! What I'm trying to tell you is that it isn't boring to help the planet and it certainly isn't a waste of time. I think everyone should do at least one thing to help the earth in their life and i know that i will defiantly be cleaning up more litter.
All i want is a change in our planet i want it to be a better place and it will be if we pick up all the litter and stop littering. We can change the world with just a little bit of work.So what are you waiting for pick up that litter!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Have you ever thougt about what plastic does? Plastic is all over this planet it makes water bottles, footstools, shoes, and many many more things. Unfortunatley plastic doesn't always bring good things. Plastic also makes most of the litter on this planet. Plastic water bottles for instance can take up to 100 years to desinagrate! So think about it if everyone in the world used a plastic water bottle everyday do you have any idea how many years it would take for them to desinagrate?! But what if everyone used reusable water bottles everyday? That would already be a huge help to the planet! So what are you going to use tomorrow the regular plastic water bottle or a reusable water bottle?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What Could Happen To YOU

Did you know littering is against the law? If you litter, you could get prosecuted! Not a good idea! DUH! Littering has a huge affect on the enviroment and the animals that live there. You'd be ruining homes. Its not like you walk down you're street tearing up houses along the way! Its the same thing!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Effects Of Littering

On highways people throw burning ciggarete butts out thier windows (gross!!!) and they fly into other cars and cause fires.Litter can actually cause death! If you used to think that litter was just trash in the wrong spot you were wrong! Litter can cause toxic waste,fires,deaths,unhealthy air,
air pollution,light pollution,noise pollution, and so much more!
This next face might sound silly but it's the truth. Some truckers throw urine filled bottles out the windows of thier trucks onto the highways!(ewwwwwwww!!!!!!!!) Can you believe it? Urine can actually cause toxic waste!

What is already happening

Did you know that PNNDOT cleans up so much trash each year they have to spend 10.1 MILLION DOLLARS EACH YEAR!!!! Then the worst thing is thats just in Pennsylvania!!!!